ISBN: 9781452105734

Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site by Tom Lichtenheld is a new take on a bedtime story for any little child who loves the construction world and big trucks. In this book nighttime is coming at a busy construction site. There are many trucks that have all been working very hard for a very long day and now they are starting to get tired. But they have jobs to finish before they get to go to bed. They’re going to have to finish those jobs and then, when it gets dark, they need to make sure they get their rest.


A children’s book about big trucks that still get tired after a long day is great for helping young children to understand the importance of sleep. If even their favorite trucks need to make sure they get enough rest at the end of the day then it’s easy to see that they need enough rest in order to be big and strong as well. Not to mention the trucks in this book each talk about their special and important jobs that they need to finish before they go to bed for the night under the bright beautiful stars.


Big Trucks

Each truck is getting ready to go to bed on its own separate page that is decorated with the truck and the big job that they are working on for the day. Then the truck decides that their task is complete and they are going to be quiet and settle down for the night. When the last of the trucks is finally done with its job and settles down for the night it’s time to say good night to the entire construction site. It will be alive and buzzing in the morning but for now it’s nighttime and that means quiet.


Children know that being quiet at night is important and they’ll know it even more with this rhyming book with easy to remember words and phrases scattered throughout. They will be able to remember the words and to know when it’s time to be quiet themselves. A construction site is a very important place and it’s a very noisy one during the day, much like a lot of homes with small children. When it’s bedtime though every truck knows what they need to do so they can be strong the next day and finish more of their big and important work.

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Samantha Rivera

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