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Archive for November 14th, 2013
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November 14, 2013

Wheat Belly Cookbook

ISBN: 978-1609619367

The Wheat Belly Cookbook by Dr. William Davis is a supplement to Wheat Belly. This book provides a series of over 100 recipes that contain no wheat and perfectly fit the diet recommended in Wheat Belly. The Wheat Belly Cookbook helps readers to better understand the side effects and problems that wheat could be causing in your life as well as the health benefits that could occur if you were to decrease your intake of wheat and follow a wheat-free diet. These diets have become more and more popular and this cookbook helps anyone to follow it.


What You’ll Learn

150 recipes without wheat Recipes for every meal of the day plus [...]
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November 14, 2013

The Guns at Last Light

ISBN: 978-0805062908

The final book in the Liberation Trilogy, Rick Atkinson’s The Guns at Last Light is a tale of the battles of World War II. This book starts with D-Day, the biggest battle over Western Europe that has ever been known and one of the biggest battles of the entire war as well. A completely truthful account completed with extensive research and quotes from letters home written by soldiers in the war, this book depicts a story that has not often been seen and likely will not be seen again for some time.


World War II

The War was a devastating event in the history of the world. It cost many lives, innocent lives of civilians, innocent [...]

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November 14, 2013

The Care and Keeping of You 2

ISBN: 978-1609580421

The Care and Keeping of You 2 written by Cara Natterson is all about the process of growing up. Geared at girls in their pre-teen years this book describes the ways that their bodies are going to change as well as the ways that their lives may change slightly due to things like puberty and simply growing older. The book is intended to help girls to better understand the changes that are happening to them and in some instances to prepare them for those changes. Preparation can definitely take some of the worry out of the events.


What to Know

Growing Body Periods Personal Care Peer Pressure

This book contains information about [...]

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November 14, 2013

Strengths Based Leadership

ISBN:  978-1595620255

Learning your strengths and the ways that they can work for you is what Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie is all about. This book will allow anyone to look into their skills and into their normal everyday traits and discover what it is that really makes them able to succeed and even more important, able to lead others in a way that makes them feel important and valued. After all, leaders need to support their followers or they eventually just won’t have any of them at all.


Leading by Strength

Surveys and research were conducted with over 20,000 leaders and over 10,000 followers. Each were asked about [...]

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November 2013