ISBN: 978-1595620156

Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath is intended to help everyone find what their strengths really are and how they can best utilize those strengths to their advantage. Too many people tend to spend their lives simply going through the motions rather than doing the things that they really enjoy. You may like your job and you may even be good at it but is it what you really absolutely want to be doing for the rest of your life? If not then you’re not living up to your full potential and you’re definitely not living up to your strengths.


How to Find Your Strengths

Strengths Finder 2.0 is actually made by the same people who make the Gallup polls. This book is really not a book at all, it’s an assessment that will help you to learn the things that you do and the things that you’re good at above all other things. Your strengths are the things you do better than anything else. They are often also the things you do better than anyone else. These are things that you may have an innate skill for and if you don’t take this test you may never even realize you have those skills.


This book actually has not only a way of determining what your strengths are but also a way of deciding how you can go about using them to your best advantage. There are so many ways to use your strengths once you better understand them but it’s going to take a little research. Lucky for you, this book has already accomplished all of the research for you so all you’re going to need to do is apply that research into your own life. You may find yourself with brand new hobbies or even a brand new job once you take this assessment.


By reading through this book you’ll even find out more information about all of the 34 themes that different people find most important in their lives and what each of them are and mean. You’ll then be able to take some time once you find your themes to see what they really are and what they’re really going to mean for you. Strengths Finder 2.0 is a psychological and future planning tool that can actually be used for adults and teens to help everyone live a happier and more fulfilling life right from the start.

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Samantha Rivera

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